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Hot trends for June 06, 2008

UFC Betting Odds

Fri, 06 Jun 2008 11:11:41 PDT
Knowing a little bit about the trends in UFC betting odds is a good thing to know before you start betting heavily on the UFC. Betting on UFC can be very exciting, as this is quickly becoming one of the most exciting sports around.

Blu-ray player prices showing signs of downward trend

Fri, 06 Jun 2008 11:41:14 PDT
The big wait could be over. It looks like Blu-ray player prices are finally coming down in price.

AMD misses the emerging subpar market

Fri, 06 Jun 2008 11:41:34 PDT
There is a new trend in computing, and Advanced Micro Devices Inc. is not on its bandwagon. I call the trend subpar computing.The AMD-Intel battle isn’t what it used to be; people actually cared about their processors during a time when processors’ performance could be quantified. But those days are over.

Grid Trends Highlight Barcelona Conference (Grid Computing Planet)

Fri, 06 Jun 2008 12:09:10 PDT
Several grid computing trends came to the fore this week at the BEinGRID Industry Days event in Barcelona, Spain. The conference -- held in conjunction with the Open Grid Forum’s OGF23 meeting – was attended by more than 500 participants.

Greening Trends of the Auto Industry

Fri, 06 Jun 2008 12:10:37 PDT
Major green moves by automakers point to a promising future for earth friendly driving.

Cheney wants Iraq for more Halliburton money.

Fri, 06 Jun 2008 12:57:43 PDT
"Let me make a generalized statement about a trend I see in the U.S. Congress that I find disturbing, that applies not only with respect to the Iranian situation but a number of others as well," Cheney said at the time. "I think we Americans sometimes make mistakes...There seems to be an assumption that somehow we know what's best for everybody."

Hot World Trends: Who Murdered Michelle Young?

Fri, 06 Jun 2008 13:22:25 PDT
It has been reported that Wake County sheriff’s deputies recently searched residences in Transylvania and Henderson counties where Jason Young, husband of slain Raleigh resident Michelle Young, has been living. Phyllis Stephens, the Sheriff's department spokeswoman, said the department would not disclose where Jason Young is living.

New trends happening at Red Hat

Fri, 06 Jun 2008 13:31:19 PDT
As it does every year, Red Hat is preparing itself for its Annual Red Hat Summit. This year, it is being held in Boston and starts June 18. Among some of the many topics that will be discussed at the event will be middleware, SaaS (Software as a Service) and, of course, server virtualization.

Think beyond, Apple! RoughlyDrafted's 2 cents on OS X 10.6

Fri, 06 Jun 2008 13:33:58 PDT
RoughlyDrafted shows how Apple bucks Adobe's and Microsoft's trends. Wrapped up with a nice analysis and wishlist for OS X 10.6.

CyrusOne CEO to Present Data Center Hosting Trends (wallstreet:online AG)

Fri, 06 Jun 2008 13:39:33 PDT
CyrusOne, a leader in high-availability, high density data center services, announced today its President

CyrusOne CEO to Present Data Center Hosting Trends (Centre Daily Times)

Fri, 06 Jun 2008 13:45:19 PDT
CyrusOne, a leader in high-availability, high density data center services, announced today its President and CEO, David Ferdman has been invited to discuss data center hosting trends, challenges and strategies at the 2008 Media and Telecommunications conference, hosted by Deutsche Bank Securities.

3 Reasons Supersonic Jets Are the Future of Private Aviation

Fri, 06 Jun 2008 13:54:49 PDT
In a previous article Halogen Guides declared supersonic business jets to be one of the four top private jet trends of the future. Here are the top reasons why billionaires could be flying them very soon, and a few reasons why maybe we shouldn’t get our hopes up just yet.

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